Research Journal

The department has been regularly publishing the Journals of Political Science (a research journal) since 1978. The journal has a diverse editorial and advisory board, indexed and abstracted internationally, and peer reviewed by at least two reviewers, one from Pakistan and one from academically advanced countries.

Dr. Fouzia Ghani
 Associate Editor
Muhammad Aizzan Malik
Assistant Editor
Marriam Mubashar
Editorial Advisory Board
Dr. David Gilmartin
Department of History
North Carolina State University, USA
Dr. Tahir Kamran
Iqbal Fellow
Wolfson College, Cambridge University
Cambridge, UK
Dr. Conrad Schetter
ProfessorPeace and Conflict Research
University of Bonn, Germany
Dr. Aram Ziai
Senior Researcher
Centre for Development Research
ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany
Dr. Ibrahim Abu BakarChairmanDepartment of Theology and PhilosophyNational University of Malaysia, Malaysia Dr. Giovanna GioliResearch FellowResearch Group Climate Change and SecurityUniversity of Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Zafar AdeelDirector, United Nations UniversityInstitute for Water, Environment, & Health(UNU-INWEH), Canada Dr. Chanchal Kumar SharmaAssociate FellowCentre for Multilevel FederalismInstitute of Social Sciences, New Delhi,
Dr. Joe HillSenior ResearcherCentre for Development ResearchZEF, University of Bonn, Germany Dr. Hassan Askari RizviFormer ChairmanDepartment of Political SciencePunjab University, Lahore, Pakistan
Dr. Syed Farooq HasnatScholar at the Middle East InstituteWashington, D.C., USA Dr. Rasul Bakhsh RaisProfessorDepartment of Humanities and Social SciencesLUMS, Lahore, Pakistan
Dr. Paul RollierResearch Associate, Department of Anthropology,University College, London, UK Dr. Shafqat Hussain ChauhdryVisiting ProfessorDepartment of Political ScienceGC University, Lahore, Pakistan
Dr. Douglas Hill
Senior Lecturer in Development Studies
Department of Geography
University of Otago, New Zealand
Dr. Khalid Javed MakhdoomVisiting ProfessorDepartment of Political ScienceGC University, Lahore, Pakistan
Dr. Dan Haines
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of History, Royal Holloway
University of London, UK

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