Water Resources Governance in the Indus Basin
The Department organized a two days conference on Water Resources Governance in the Indus Basin on 9th and 10th of January, 2013. The conference sought to explore critical perspectives on the politics of water in the Indus Basin. We define the Indus Basin by its natural watershed from Kabul in Afghanistan to north-western states of India, and most of Pakistan’s territory including Gilgit-Baltistan. The dominant discourse in understanding water related issues in Pakistan and India, since independence from colonial rule in 1947, has been a managerial-technocratic discourse, which tends to depoliticize issues pertaining to water. Critical decisions concerning water distribution and management have generally been taken in the absence of a full scale political participation of all the stake holders. Furthermore, water has played a significant role in the delineation of the social, political, and economic structures of the Indus society. Impending water scarcity and uncertainty due to climate change in the basin, coupled with a bourgeoning population, poses major challenges to these hydraulic societies. Problematizing these challenges and framing strategic responses to negotiate these challenges remained the main concerns of the conference.
Day I: January 09, 2013 |
9:00-11:00 | Inaugural Session | |
Keynote Address: Dr. Daanish Mustafa, King’s College, London | ||
11:00-11:30 | Tea break | |
11:30-13:30 | Session I: Power and Politics in the History of the Indus Basin | |
Session Chair: Dr. Saeed Shafqat, Director CPPG, FC University | ||
Speaker | Topic | |
Dr. Dan Haines Dept. of History, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK |
The Politics of a Technical Approach to the Indus Basin Rivers Dispute, 1948-1960 | |
Mr. Abdul Aijaz Dept. of Political Science, GC University, Pakistan |
Questioning the Hegemonic Discourse in Water Management | |
Mr. Mushtaq Gaadi National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan |
Forever with the Indus-scape: Epic Memory, Counter-narrative and Siraiki Identity | |
Prof. David Gilmartin Dept. of History, North Carolina State University, USA |
Professional Water Engineers and Water Lords: Some Thoughts on the Colonial Politics of the Indus Basin | |
Mr. Muhammad Azeem Shah International Water Management Institute, Pakistan |
Rains or Reigns? A post-colonial critique of 2010 Floods in Pakistan | |
13:30-14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00-15:30 | Panel Discussion I: Will Water Induce Conflict or Cooperation? | |
Moderator: Dr. Zafar Adeel, Director, UNU-INWEH | ||
Panellists: | ||
Dr. Ali Taqueer, Director, LEAD Pakistan | ||
A.N.G. Abbasi, Former Chairman, Technical Committee on Water | ||
Tariq Hameed, Former Chairman, WAPDA | ||
Anwar Aziz Chaudhry, Former Federal Minister | ||
Dr. Mehmood Ahmed, FAO Cairo | ||
15:30-16:00 | Tea break | |
16:00-18:00 | Session II: Conflict and Cooperation along the Indus Rivers: Pakistan and its Neighbours in international and regional settings |
Session Chair: Kazi Afak, Visiting Faculty, Department of Political Science, GC University | ||
Speaker | Topic | |
Dr. Shaista Tabassum Department of International Relations, University of Karachi |
Unfolding the Challenges to the Shared Waters of Indus Basin System | |
Ms. Harriet Bigas United Nations University, Institute for Water, Environment & Health, Canada |
Water as a Security Issue: The Push for Recognition on the Global Security Agenda | |
Dr. Ghazi Azam Cornell University, USA/NESPAK, Pakistan |
Governance and Management Constraints to Sustainable Water Allocation in the Indus River Basin: The 1991 Interprovincial Water Accord | |
Mr. Dave J. Devlaeminck Dept. of Philosophy, McMaster University and Water Without Borders, UNU-INWEH, Canada |
Merging Frameworks: The Human Right to Water within an Interventionist Approach | |
Dr. Douglas Hill Dept. of Geography, University of Otago, New Zealand |
Towards an alternative regionalism? Transboundary water resources, South Asian civil society networks and the Indus Basin | |
Day II: January 10, 2013 |
9:00-11:00 | Session III: The Impact of Increased Demands for Water on Development in the Indus Basin | |
Session Chair: Asif H. Qazi, Former Special Secretary (Water), Government of Pakistan | ||
Dr. Zafar Adeel United Nations University, Institute for Water, Environment & Health, Canada |
The International ‘Water Security’ Agenda and its Relevance for the Indus Basin | |
Mr. Usman Siddiqi Dept. of Political Science, GC University, Pakistan |
Water and Energy Impacts in Pakistan | |
Dr. Giovanna Gioli, Prof. Jürgen Scheffran and Mr. Talimand Khan Climate Change and Security Research Group, University of Hamburg, Germany and Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Pakistan |
Socio-economic Impacts of Water-related Hazards in Northern Pakistan | |
Dr. Awais Piracha Dept. of Geography and Urban Studies, University of Western Sydney, Australia |
Awareness of climate change impacts on water resources among town planning officials in Pakistan | |
11:00-11:30 | Tea break | |
11:30-13:00 | Panel Discussion II: The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Indus Basin | |
Moderator: | ||
Panellists: | ||
Shams ul Mulk, Former Chairman, WAPDA | ||
Ahmed Bilal, Director, PILDAT | ||
Mehmood Ul Hassan, Advisor, Irrigation Department, Punjab | ||
Abdul Khaliq Khan, Advisor, Mega Dams | ||
Irfan Ali, Secretary (Food), Punjab | ||
13:00-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-15:30 | Session IV: Water Management and the Culture of Irrigation in the Indus Basin | |
Session Chair: Dr. Muhammad Waseem, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, LUMS | ||
Speaker | Topic | |
Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand |
Innovative Research Issues Addressing Policies, Institutions and Governance Challenges of Irrigation in Twenty-First Century | |
Dr. Imran Ali Karachi School for Business and Leadership, Pakistan |
Reform of Irrigation Management in Punjab, and Implications for Institutional Modernization | |
Mr. Muhammad Asif Kamran and Prof. Ganesh P. Shivakoti Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Pakistan and School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand |
Institutional Dynamism and Performance of Spate Irrigation Systems in the Punjab, Pakistan | |
Asrar-ul-Haq, M. Aamir Khan, M. Hasnain Khan Punjab Irrigation Department |
Water Resources Management in Pak |
- Conference Venue: Bukhari Auditorium, GC University, Lahore
- Group Photo of Conference Participants with the Vice Chancellor
- Inaugural Session
- Keynote address by Dr. Danish Mustafa
- Address of the Chairperson
- Vice Chancellor presenting souvenir to Keynote speaker
- Press Conference on the First Day of the Conference
- Press Conference on the First Day of the Conference
- Press Conference on the First Day of the Conference
- Session I: Power and Politics in the History of the Indus Basin
- Session II: Conflict and Cooperation along the Indus Rivers: Pakistan and its Neighbours in international and regional settings
- Session III: The Impact of Increased Demands for Water on Development in the Indus Basin
- Session IV: Water Management and the Culture of Irrigation in the Indus Basin
- Panel Discussion I: Will Water Induce Conflict or Cooperation?
- Panel Discussion II: The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Indus Basin
- Policy Dialogue
- Prof. David Gilmartin
- Dr. Dan Haines
- Mr. Abdul Aijaz
- Mr. Muhammad Usman Amin Siddiqi
- Dr. Shaista Tabassum
- Ms. Harriet Bigas
- Mr. Dave J. Devlaeminck
- Chairperson presenting souvenirs to the guests
- Chairperson presenting souvenirs to the guests
- Chairperson presenting souvenirs to the guests
- Chairperson presenting souvenirs to the guests
- Chairpeson with guests and students
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore
- Visit to Historic Places of Lahore