International Conference on Human Rights:
Challenges & Prospects
(November 7-9, 2018)
The Department of Political Science/Centre of Excellence China Studies, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan, invites submission of research papers for its sixth International Conference on “Human Rights: Challenges and Prospects” to be held on November 07-09, 2018.
The conference encompasses within its purview the themes of Human Rights and intends to discuss new trends and challenges to human rights in 21st century. The conference aims to present a platform for international scholars, academicians, civil rights activist, law makers, and governmental bodies to participate in discussion on human rights and (re-) conceptualize it for post-modern societal structure.
Seventy years ago, United Nations passed a Universal Deceleration of Human Rights to ensure the prestige and dignity of human beings. Unfortunately, the world is still passing through recurrent ups and downs in implementation of its fundamental principles. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General, highlighted the plight condition of human rights at 34th Session of Human Rights Council, in these words, “disregard for human right is a disease, and it is a disease that is spreading – north, south, east and west”. Hence, the conference is an academic endeavor to reaffirm that …”the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”.
The concept of human rights coincided in the age of Enlightenment which broaden its theoretical bases and later turned it into documented form under the auspices of UN. The discourse of human rights in New-New World Order is experiencing following challenges: armed conflict(s), biological and chemical warfare, political violence, rise of non-state militant actors – ISIS – debarring right of self-determination, ethnic cleansing, racial profiling, minority discrimination, farmers’ suicides, child abuse, modern slavery, human trafficking, migration induced marginality, youth bulge crises, discrimination against women, honour killings, social exclusion of Thirdgender/transgender, human security and terrorism.
The research foci of this international conference is to analyse the new researched data, concepts, approaches, ideas and methods vis-à-vis human rights and present a more constructive framework to revert the aforesaid daunting trends. The post-modern societal norms demand more in-depth insight and emphatic understanding of human behaviors in day-to-day social interaction. Therefore, the conference intends to seek inter-disciplinary approach to get answers on more empirical grounds. This academic effort opens up avenues to (re-)imagine the politico-economic and social matrix of contemporary age wherein human rights are discussed, represented and enforced.
In short, the conference aims to see equitable participation of women as well as inclusion of youth and marginalized groups into main stream society and the recognition of third-gender identity as a significant part of social capital. This academic initiative, therefore, has been taken up to discuss new challenges to human rights and to give some pragmatic solutions to protect and promote human dignity.
Conference Themes
The conference themes are covering multiple dimensions of human rights. Therefore, kindly submit abstracts of 250-350 words, falling in any one of the following themes, clearly indicating research objectives, methodology, expected results, and conclusion(s) by June 30, 2018, which will be vet by the conference Scientific Committee.
- (Re-) conceptualizing Human Rights
- Social Justice, Equity and Minority Rights
- Women Empowerment
- Youth Bulge: Liability or Asset
- Human Trafficking / Modern Slavery
- Conditions of Child Rights in Contemporary Age
- Thirdgender/Transgender: Search for Identity
- Dynamics of Inter-culturality, Ethnicity and Racism
- Security, Peace and Human Rights Vulnerabilities in South Asia
- Terrorism, Armed Conflict(s) and Violence in 21st Century
Important Dates
- Submission of Abstracts: June 30, 2018
- Intimation of Acceptance of Abstracts: July 15, 2018
- Submission of Final Papers: October 15, 2018
- Submission of Multimedia Presentations November 05, 2018
For Conference Brochure, click here
For Conference Registration, click here
Muhammad Manzoor Elahi Prof. Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt
Coordinator (ICHRCP) Chief Organizer
Lecturer, Department of Political Science Chairperson, Department of Political Science
GC University Lahore, Pakistan Director, Centre of Excellence China Studies
Mobile: +92 (321) 4200550
UAN: +92 (42) 111-000-010, Ext. 351
Mahrukh Maqsood
Deputy Coordinator (ICHRCP)
Lecturer, Department of Political Science
GC University Lahore, Pakistan
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